
Training Module 11:
Licensing of social service providers

Purpose of this training

To help strengthen the capacity of public and private social service providers to prepare and provide the necessary documentation for obtaining a license to perform social protection activities in accordance with the legal obligations of Articles 163 and 167 of the Law on Social Protection. In that context, the public and private providers of social services will have built capacities for proper interpretation and application of the rulebooks and the prescribed closer conditions and criteria for licensing.

Expected competences to be achieved

  • Enhanced capacities and skills for proper interpretation of the documentation required for the licensing process, including the application form for obtaining a license to perform social protection activities and the manner and procedure for issuing and revoking a license for performing social protection activities;
  • Strengthened capacities and skills for preparation of a report for provided space, equipment and professional staff, in accordance with the norms and standards for fulfilment of the conditions for starting work and providing the specific service;
  • Strengthened capacities and skills for development of a work program that includes a way of providing social services and work in a non-discriminatory environment;
  • Strengthened capacities and skills for preparation of an annual plan for providing financial and material means for providing social services;
  • Strengthened capacities and skills for development of internal procedures for evaluation of the provided services and for assessment of the satisfaction of the users, in accordance with the norms and standards for the provision of the service;


Sashe Jovanov

Expert and activist with over 15 years of engagement in project management, training, social services and policies at the local level (the elderly, people with disabilities, people with dementia and Alzheimer’s disease and multiple sclerosis); special adult education programs and protocols form minimum standards for professional home care

Training Video

Training Resources