
Training module 7:
Innovation in community based social services

This training is co-organised with Institute for Social Activities (ISA) and Project OASIS

Purpose of this training

To enhance knowledge and understanding of social professionals of the basic principles of innovation in Community based social services, (daycare children, youth and adults with disabilities, Home care for Elderly, SWC Counseling and support services).

The training will provide the participants with skills and competences, tools and methods to develop new innovative in-house and outdoors services and activities based on personalization, group work and family and community engagement.

Expected competences to be achieved

  • Capacity to develop and implement different techniques and methods to activate day care users in various outdoors activities at local level (presentation of various best practices from Europe and UK)
  • Skills and methods to engage local resources, build partnerships, work with volunteers
  • Ability to understand the role of family, carers and other social professionals and their desired involvement in innovative actions


Maria Marinakou

Expert with more than 25 years of professional experience and engagement in managing projects, training and capacity building in the areas of social inclusion / disability / activation/ social work /social services and design of social policies.

Jana Janeva

Social professional with 13 years of experience in working with elderly and people with disabilities, conducting training for careers and personal assistants, creating policies, organizing and establishing social services.

Training Video

Training Resources