Licensing Social Service Providers Guide

With idea to facilitate the licensing process of potential service providers, the project “Supporting Modernization and Deinstitutionalization of Social Services” has prepared a comprehensive and practical Guide to licensing of social service providers.

All over the world, the licensing of social service providers leads to the development of community social services according to the needs of different categories of citizens, and gradually creates better quality of social services.

Licensing sets the norms, standards, rights and responsibilities of social service providers that they must meet in order to be licensed as operators and providers social services. Also, the licensing monitors and controls the provision of social services in accordance with the fulfilled conditions, such as space conditions, equipment, staff, determined by the licensing, as well as supervision over the realization of citizens’ rights as users of social services.

Starting from 2019, as part of the reform processes in the social protection system, it is possible to provide social protection through associations, legal entities and individuals as licensed providers of social services who can also be authorized providers of social services, in order to perform the activity of social protection of public interest and provision of social services in the home, community services, family care services, counseling services, professional assistance and support and information services.

The purpose of this Guide is to support and facilitate the licensing process for social service providers. The guide offers detailed instructions for each step in the licensing process, as well as information on the processes and obligations after obtaining a license.

Every potential provider or licensed social service provider has the opportunity to inform about:

1. The licensing procedure,

2. The steps needed to become a licensed social service provider,

3. Required documents, and preparation steps when applying for a permit for performing social protection activities,

4. Useful information during the licensing procedure and necessary steps to be taken before submitting an application to the Commission for Licensing of Social Service Providers at the Ministry of Labor and Social Policy,

5. What needs to be done after the issuance of a Decision for obtaining a license for performing social protection activities, and

6. Rights and obligations of a licensed social service provider.

In addition, the Guide has a number of documents that can be used as recommended templates by potential social service providers in preparing the documents attached to the Application for a Permit for Social Welfare Work.

In order to provide quality social protection, it is necessary to encourage licensing of as many social service providers at the local level as possible, which will provide diverse, comprehensive, quality, integrated services for social protection of public interest in accordance with the needs of the community.

Numerous participants were involved in the preparation of this Guide: Ankica Ivanovski, President of the Commission for Licensing of Social Service Providers in the Ministry of Labor and Social Policy and other members of the Commission, Maria Marinakuo, project team leader, Biljana Dukovska and Sasko Jovanov, social protection experts, Bojan Petak, project director and Karolina Frisenette-Fich, project implementation support expert.

Many thanks to the Delegation of the European Union and Europe House Skopje who gave us access to all the photos in this guide, which were part of the photo exhibition “You look beautiful today!”, organized on the occasion of Human Rights Day 2021. The exhibition was held in the East Gate shopping center in Skopje, during the period from 10/12/2021 to 10/01/2022. You can download the Guide at, or you can read in online at