Training: Mapping of local social services and users’ needs

With the idea of strengthening the capacities of the municipalities for better design and planning of community social services according to the needs of local users, today, via Zoom platform, the training “Mapping of local social services and needs of users” was held with active participation of mora than fifty social professionals and representatives from several municipalities.

Trainer Biljana Dukovska presented the model for collecting, systematizing, analysing and cross-referencing local data, as well as planning social services based on the needs of users and opportunities in the community. Dukovska explained in detail the concepts for identifying vulnerable groups of citizens, recognising the existing resources at the local level to meet the needs of vulnerable groups of citizens at the local level and opportunities for development of new social services.

The participants, in two practical exercises, defined the socio-economic challenges in the communities, defined the mapping techniques most appropriate for their community, defined innovative services and prepared a plan for their development.

The training materials (videos and lessons) will be available soon for all interested social professionals who want to upgrade their knowledge. To have access, those interested need to register.

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