Training: Social Service Quality Assurance for Home and Long Term Care

More than 70 participants, social service providers and social professionals participated in today’s online training” Social Service Quality Assurance for Home and Long Term Care “.

The aim of the training is to build skills for access to quality application and use of principles and common quality standards at EU level, as well as to establish a functional link between these elements in the implementation of social services.

Trainer Monica Gabanyi introduced the principles and common European quality standards, and in the second session focused on the definition and specifics of quality of home services and services for long-term, main trends and quality management structure according to the E-Qalin model.

The participants, through practical work, in the first exercise have the opportunity to identify which defined principles and described criteria are covered, and which are not included in their system of work.

During the second task, in groups, the participants discussed the options and subsequent changes in the current system in terms of introducing certain elements to improve the quality of their organizations, setting minimum requirements, cooperation with users and their families, etc.

The training materials (videos and lessons) will be available soon for all interested social professionals who want to upgrade their knowledge. To have access, those interested need to register.

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