Training: Development, Management, Monitoring and Evaluation of Quality Social and Community-based Services

Eighty participants, social service providers and representatives of the centres for social work participated in today’s training “Development, Management, Monitoring and Evaluation of Quality Social and Community-based Services”

Trainer Alaksandra Georgievska presented the concept of quality of social services, as well as the domains for monitoring and evaluating the quality of social service, customer satisfaction and well-being.

The training was held in order for social professionals to gain skills to better plan, manage and implement quality social services and community base services, as well as to gain skills to use tools and methods in daily work to measure the quality of social services, satisfaction of the service users and the quality of life of the users.

The participants, through practical work, in the first exercise had the opportunity to identify the elements of quality within the existing standards for social services in the Republic of North Macedonia for the following services: help and care at home, personal assistance, living with support and day care service, as well as make a possible list of suggestions for further improvements.

In the second task, the participants prepared a list of questions and factors to be taken into account when conducting external monitoring of the quality of social service.

The training ” Development, Management, Monitoring and Evaluation of Quality Social and Community-based Services”, organized in cooperation with the Institute for Social Activity, is a post-qualification training for social professionals with long years of work experience.

The training materials (videos and lessons) will be available soon for all interested social professionals who want to upgrade their knowledge. To have access, those interested need to register.

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